It’s the beginning of summer, the sun is shining, the days
are longer, and I just got back from a two and a half week vacation in
beautiful Norway. Sounds pretty ideal, right? Well it would be if the only
souvenirs I brought back were the ones I bought, like the beautiful silver ring
and a handmade Sami knife, no, I also managed to bring home a face full of
blackheads! Chock it up to my plans of going carry-on only and downsizing my
skin care regimen to an acne-prone face wash, some makeup removing wipes and the
occasional night-time toner. My moisturizer was a tiny trial cup filled with a
combination of my daily SPF and morning acne treatment, while at night I
boosted it up with a PM hydrating treatment, needless to say all the planning
in the world doesn’t help when you go off the rails from your tried and true
treatments. In my defense I was able to get a couple of hydrating masks in
thanks to some generous people who left them in the refrigerator of my Bergen
Air B&B apartment.
Let this be a lesson to all of you, your vacation is NOT the
time to try out new product samples or attempt to go minimalist with your skin
care for the first time in months! So you would think, as a newly licensed
esthetician with an arsenal of skin care and beauty products at my disposal,
clearing up my skin would be easy as pie. Sadly, my anxious little hands could
not be stopped, and despite my better intentions and clarifying masks I got
right in there and forced those puppies out without a thought towards scarring
or steaming. As expected my determination won and in addition to finally
getting rid of the little nasties camped out on my face I was rewarded the next
morning with a big ol’ red spot of inflammation! One of the hardest learned
lessons of skin care is NOT TO TOUCH YOUR FACE, (a lesson I still struggle to
implement on my own) but when you are trained on how to extract blackheads and
you see them, not much can stand in your way. For the next week, I have worked
on healing and clearing up the spot (or as I have come to think of it-the
evidence of my stubbornness), that means: Neosporin, dark spot treatments,
exfoliation, heavy concealer, and lots of sunscreen. It’s clearing up pretty
well and thanks to a pigmentation class I just took on Monday in LA (ironic
timing, I know!) it has made me more motivated to tackle some other lingering
acne scars.
The real kicker came today as I was looking through the
professional product I got in Esthetician school, I found my Dermalogica
Scaling Fluid and Post-Extraction Solution- exactly what I should have been
using to get those stubborn blackheads out! So as tempting as it is to think
you need a new mask or a stronger serum to get your skin under control,
sometimes the answer is right in front of you the whole time, right in your
In honor of my own stubbornness and stupidity, and to
prevent anyone else from making the same mistake, I give you, Extraction 101! The
first thing that should be acknowledged here is that you really shouldn’t do
this yourself, a good esthetician will do this during a facial. That means your
face is in a trained and objective set of hands, who are much less likely to
fixate on the ones that just won’t come out. But, if you’re like me and too
impatient to wait and you know you’re going to be picking at it until it is
gone anyways, you should at least do it properly. So, gather ‘round my fellow
skin pickers here are the dos and don’ts of extractions...
- Wash your hands first, the number one reason you shouldn’t touch your face is because of all those little germs on your hands from goodness-knows-where are hiding all over and up under your fingernails!
- Wash and exfoliate your face first, this gets rid of all the dead skin cells and build up that causes breakouts to begin with
- Use steam, fresh out of the shower or heat up a hot compress to open up those pores
- Wrap your fingers in tissue, we use gloves too professionally but the tissues will keep your fingers and nails from imparting anything into the pores
- Tone when you’re done, this helps restore the pH of the skin and contract the pore a little after it was stretched out from all the buildup
- Touch the white heads or red pimples, you know that big painful one that you feel coming days before it appears like a volcano ready to erupt- leave it alone! (More on how to treat those later!) The only ones you should extract are the open comedones (aka blackheads), these little guys have remained exposed to oxygen and oxidized leaving what looks like little brown or black dots in your pores. Because they have remained open they are the ones to extract since you don’t have to break the skin and risk disturbing the natural healing process, which by the way are way more likely to scar!
- Push towards the blackhead or use your fingernails, instead take your index fingers parallel to the spot (like train tracks) and apply pressure down and then up in a swooping motion, this should form a mound with the blackhead in the center which you can now remove with a wiggling motion. Push down, wiggle out!
- Force it, try different angles keeping your fingers parallel and STOP if you notice redness and especially if it starts to bleed, if you pass that point it will ooze, scab, and scar- trust me that takes a lot longer to heal!
- Go sunbathing or work outside directly after, load up on that SPF and stay out of direct sunlight for at least 24 hours after extracting, your pores are wide open and UV exposure can cause hyperpigmentation deep into the skin, which is just another reminder of that blackhead that is no longer there!
Lastly, whenever dealing with acne-prone skin try and
identify the triggers to prevent it from reoccurring. Hats, glasses, talking on
the phone, resting your face in your hand, and even your pillow case are all
common breakout culprits, so be sure to clean these surfaces often. Stress and
hormone imbalance can trigger some of the nastier and more stubborn breakouts;
these can be harder to control as having acne is sure to be causing you some
more stress anyways! Luckily, most pimples are caused excessive sebum and
debris building up on your skin, so washing your face twice a day with a good
foaming cleanser and hydrating toner can keep it in balance, especially if you
wear makeup, make sure you get that stuff off every night! Look for any debris
on that cotton ball after you cleanse and tone. If you see it this means you
should double-cleanse, preferably with an oil-based cleanser first to attract
the oil/sebum sitting on your face and then with a deeper foaming or
exfoliating cleanser. Acne-prone skin sheds dead skin cells 6 times as fast as
normal skin, so regular exfoliation and cleansing are crucial to preventing
buildup. Additionally, ingredients like Salicylic Acid and Benzoyl Peroxide are
great at acne-fighting as they boost cell turnover and exfoliate the skin to
bring out the bad stuff. They can be found in most spot treatment gels and
several clay-based masks which help draw out impurities.
Now before you run out and buy a whole new skin care
regimen, stop, go look in your bathroom and check those drawers to help you
remember what you’ve got! What you really need might already be sitting there
just waiting to be re-discovered. (If not, Target and Ulta are there to help
you out, see below for a list of my favorite cost-effective acne-fighting home-care
Cleanser(s): Trader Joe's Pure Jojoba oil (use as oil
cleanser on dry skin), Simple Moisturizing Facial Wash
Exfoliant: Simple Smoothing Facial Scrub (just make sure any exfoliating beads aren’t plastic or seed-based as they can do more harm than good)
Exfoliant: Simple Smoothing Facial Scrub (just make sure any exfoliating beads aren’t plastic or seed-based as they can do more harm than good)
Toner: Neutrogena Alcohol Free Toner (not too drying, unlike
everyone’s favorite Clinique one!)
Mask: Boot’s Botanics Ionic Clay Mask: Shine Away (use once
a week, goes on dark, dries light, and darkens as it absorbs the oil)
Moisturizer: Boot’s Botanics Shine Away Day Cream with SPF
15 (especially for oily skin) or Simple Replenishing Rich Moisturizer at night
Spot treatment: Elf Acne Fighting Get roller ball (it has
natural Salicylic Acid from willow bark and is only $2)
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